Ultrahigh Resolution Electron Multi-Spectroscopy

Short characteristic length scales of quantum phenomena, low excitation energies and high chemical reactivity of the structurally complex surfaces of quantum materials put important constraints to the experimental techniques and experimental conditions to be applied. Therefore, new experimental concepts have to be developed for measuring the electronic processes at the millielectronVolt. To address these experimental challenges our team QuantumSpecs develops and uses:

1. Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM, STS, AFM, KPM, MFM)
2. Combined Angle-Resolved Photo-Emission Spectroscopy and STM

1. Langevin STM:

Low Temperature UHV STM AFM with KolibriSensorTM by SPECSTM.
This combined Scanning Probe Microscope, working in ultrahigh vacuum and at very low temperature 1.3K is unique in France (to know more... ).
It was recently installed at ESPCI-ParisTech (please visit our dedicated Image Gallery...)


2. NANOSPECS Platform:

We are currently developing a new Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) combined with in-situ STM. The set-up includes an original cryogenic electron detection system. It is dedicated to the electronic spectroscopy of quantum materials in the real and the reciprocal space. We aim to reach the ultimate resolution of E<1meV and k 0.001A-1 at very low temperature, Tmin<2K (variable to 300K).

The equipment of QuantumSpecs at ESPCI ParisTech is a part of jointly used facilities of QuEST.


See also...

Langevin STM STS AFM

Langevin STM STS AFM: In September 2013 the team installed the new ultrahigh vacuum low-temperature STM/STS/AFM. Located in the former (…) 

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Combined ARPES STM

ARPES in NANOSPECS: A new project is being currently developped : The novel unit will share, inside the same ultrahigh vacuum space a preparation (…) 

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