Ultimate Superconductivity

  Introduction to Characteristic Length Scales in Superconductivity.
1. Vortex Lattice and Vortex Bound States in 2H-NbSe2.
2. Confinement of Vortices in Nano-Islands.
3. Giant Vortex due to Ultimate Confinement.
4. Superconductivity in Single Atomic Layers of Pb/Si(111).

Introduction to the Superconducting Proximity Effect.
Work in progress
Introducing paragraph.

Hereafter we describe ... we have recently explored.

1. Vortex Lattice and Vortex Bound States in 2H-NbSe2.
(this work was published in “Probing the Superfluid Velocity with a Superconducting Tip: The Doppler Shift Effect" by A. Kohen, Th. Proslier, T. Cren, Y. Noat, W. Sacks, H. Berger, and D. Roditchev. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 027001 – Published 14 July 2006 and in “Probing the superconducting condensate on a nanometer scale" by Th. Proslier, A. Kohen, Y. Noat, T. Cren, D. Roditchev and W. Sacks. Europhysics Letters 73 (6), p. 962 (2006) )
Work in progress
In this activity...

2. Confinement of Vortices in Nano-Islands.
(this work was published in "Ultimate Vortex Confinement Studied by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy" by Tristan Cren, Denis Fokin, François Debontridder, Vincent Dubost, and Dimitri Roditchev. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 127005 – Published 27 March 2009)
Work in progress
In this activity, ...

3. Giant Vortex due to Ultimate Confinement.
(this work was published in "Vortex Fusion and Giant Vortex States in Confined Superconducting Condensates" by T. Cren, L. Serrier-Garcia, F. Debontridder, and D. Roditchev. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 097202 – Published 23 August 2011)
Work in progress

4. Superconductivity in Single Atomic Layers of Pb/Si(111).
(this work was published in "Remarkable effects of disorder on superconductivity of single atomic layers of lead on silicon" by C. Brun, T. Cren, V. Cherkez, F. Debontridder, S. Pons, D. Fokin, M. C. Tringides, S. Bozhko, L. B. Ioffe, B. L. Altshuler & D. Roditchev. Nature Physics 10, 444–450 (2014))
Work in progress

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