Dimitri Roditchev

D.R. is Professor at Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI-ParisTech) and Research Director at CNRS (see Curiculum Vitae of D.R.). D.R. has the following relevant experience:

1. Management experience:
1.1. Vice director of the laboratory UMR-75-88 (about 150 members) (2002-2005)
1.2. Research Project leader of Dept.1.2 of INSP (about 30 persons)
1.3. Member of CNRS National Committee (2009-2012)
1.4. Research team leader (up to 10 members) at INSP (from 2003 till December 2013); QuantumSpecs team leader (ESPCI, starting from 2012)
1.5. International Team Leader (low temperature UHV STM/STS) at University of Salerno, Italy (2003-2004)
1.6. Partner in several running French ANR projects.

2. Ultra-precise Equipment development experience (see Device R&D Activity of D.R.)
2.1. First low temperature STM in France (1995, development)
2.2. First low temperature STM/STS in France (1999, design – 100%, development – 70%)
2.3. Unique in France: ultralow temperature (0.3K) UHV STM/STS in high magnetic fields (2000-2008, design – 100%, fabrication-30%, development-75%)
2.4. Development of original optical cryostats for ultrahigh resolution experiments (INSP- Paris, France, EPFL – Lausanne, Switzerland, AIST-Tsukuba, Japan) (more than 10 apparatuses designed) (1995-2008)

3. Other relevant points:
3.1. Expert at National Project Committees of : USA, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France
3.2. Expert at Observatoire de Micro- et Nanotechnologies (2005-2010)
3.3. Conference organization at national (5) and international (2) level.
3.4. Prix Ancel 2003 of French Physical Society.


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Sergio Vlaic

Under construction.. 

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Stéphane PONS

Born 1976 Tel.: +33 1 40 794 575 Senior Researcher (HDR), CNRS, Sorbonne University, PSL-Research university, Laboratoire de Physique et d’Etude (…) 

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